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You may have noticed while driving around Colorado Springs that a lot of motorcycle riders aren’t wearing helmets. While this is perfectly legal in the state of Colorado, it is not recommended as wearing a helmet is one of the most important factors to ensure you can walk away from a motorcycle accident without serious brain injuries. Even a slow-speed accident where your head bounces off the pavement can cause brain trauma or even death so never go riding without a helmet on or you may end up needing to speak to one of our Colorado motorcycle accident lawyers next.
There are a few other precautions that we highly recommend to keep you as safe as possible while you get in that much-needed wind therapy. Start by checking to make sure all of your lights are working before going for a ride. Most motorcycles have very small lights for turn signals and brake lights which means if one of those lights doesn’t work, you could be drastically increasing your odds of getting hit by another vehicle. Of course, the headlight is also a major light that needs to be checked often to make sure it is bright enough for you to clearly see the road at night and also so that other drivers can see you coming.
Our next recommendation for rider safety would be proper riding attire. This means a jacket & pants that were built to protect you during a high-speed fall, so a leather jacket or kevlar with padding on the back and arms should be work any time you ride on the streets. Some jackets even come with metal plates on the back in order to keep the road from destroying all of the precious fabric that separates your skin from the asphalt. Road rash is no joke and can be extremely painful to clean out and a quality riding jacket will help prevent most if not all of this from happening in the event of a slide. While it may not look very fashionable, you can also get a reflective vest to wear over your jacket to help improve your chances of being seen at night.
Next up is gloves and boots. Gloves help you ensure your hands don’t get too sweaty and slip off of your grips while riding, but they also give quite a bit of protection against road rash or burn injuries if your motorcycle catches on fire. Boots do the same, except they protect your feet from road rash, burns from your tailpipes and help give you stability when stopped. If you wear some old running shoes with little grip on them, you could very easily slip in some gravel and drop your bike. While this might not be an injury, it sure can injure your ego when you drop your motorcycle.
This last one can be easy to forget but is very important. Use your turn signals properly and remember to run them off after you finish your turn! Most motorcycles are not equipped to turn the blinkers off after making a turn due to the leaning of the motorcycle instead of turning a steering wheel. We are used to our cars turning the signal off automatically after we turn but motorcycle riders often forget to turn off their turn signals and it causes confusion with the other drivers which can ultimately lead to an accident.
Most motorcycle riders have been riding for many years and don’t think they need a rider safety course because they already know everything about riding. This is not always the case as these rider safety courses teach you about many different things you probably didn’t know about before as well as some benefits that come along with certification. Some examples are:
Most motorcycle safety courses are around $100 to enroll in and will pay for themselves with the money you can save by showing your insurance company your rider safety course certification. For new riders, these courses are a great place to learn how to control a motorcycle around tight turns as well without using a large motorcycle that is hard to hold up. Most courses let you use their motorcycles which are typically 125cc bikes that are lightweight and easy to maneuver, a perfect scenario for beginners to learn and get comfortable before taking to the roads.
As fellow motorcycle riders, Rector Stuzynski Law Firm wants you to know that in the unfortunate event of a motorcycle accident, we are here for you. Our law firm knows exactly how to handle motorcycle accident lawsuits so that our clients get fair compensation for their injuries and back on the road in no time. Don’t let an accident ruin any part of your life, get in touch with Rector Stuzynski Law Firm today, a motorcycle accident law firm that rides, for a free consultation with our attorneys at (719) 578-1106.
We serve clients injured anywhere throughout the state of Colorado, but we focus on residents of these areas: Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, Fountain, Briargate, Monument, Black Forest, Pueblo, Canon City, Larkspur, Security-Widefield, Peyton, Castle Rock, Teller County, El Paso County, Elbert County, Park County, Douglas County and beyond.
131 S Weber St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
(719) 578-1106
Open 24/7
Available by Phone 24/7
Rector Stuzynski Law Firm
East Location
6045 Barnes Rd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80922
(719) 304-2323
Open 24/7
Available by Phone 24/7
Consultations are always free and available 24/7 over the phone.